En ömurlegt

"Luck is my middle name. Mind you, my first name is Bad" 

Sagši Rincewind 'Galdramašur' ķ einni af bókum Pratchetts. Žaš er erfitt aš lįta sér detta ķ hug skemmtilegri, oršheppnari, fyndnari eša greindari rithöfund en Terry Pratchett. Aš svona mašur skuli fį Alzheimers sjśkdóminn er alveg ótrślega sorglegt. Vissulega er žaš reyndar sorglegt žegar hver sem er fęr žennan sjśkdóm. Ég hef unniš į sjśkradeild fyrir lengra komna alzheimer sjśklinga, og ég segi hiklaust aš ég myndi frekar fara ķ baš meš pķranafiskum en aš upplifa žennan sjśkdóm sjįlfur. Eitt af fįu tilfellunum žarsem sjįlfsmorš myndi vera fullkomlega skiljanlegt.

Hann skrifar bęši fyndnar bękur ķ stżl sem hęšist aš fantasķubókmenntum, en eru samt svakalega įleitnar og djśpt hugsašar, į sama tķma og žęr eru brįš-fyndnar. Hann hefur lķka skrifaš nokkrar brįš alvarlegar sögur fullar af raunverulegum vķsindum, įsamt Jack Cohen og Ian Stewart sem bįšir eru fręgir vķsindamenn og skrifušu meša annars bókina 'evolving the alien'. Įsamt Pratchett, sem taka aš sér žaš verkefni aš fjalla um ešli heimsins og ešli mannsins, į nótum sem allir geta skiliš. Ég męli meš aš allir lesi bękurnar 'Science of Discworld'. Žaš veršur enginn heimskari į žvķ.


Hér aš lokum eru nokkrar góšar lķnur eftir hann

I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when
there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
-Terry Pratchett

You can't make people happy by law. If you said to a bunch of average
people two hundred years ago "Would you be happy in a world where medical
care is widely available, houses are clean, the world's music and sights
and foods can be brought into your home at small cost, travelling even 100
miles is easy, childbirth is generally not fatal to mother or child, you
don't have to die of dental abcesses and you don't have to do what the
squire tells you" they'd think you were talking about the New Jerusalem and
say 'yes'.
-Terry Pratchett

I stroll along, talk, I sign books, people buy me drinks, I forget where my
hotel is, I get lost and fall into some local body of water... done it
hundreds of times.
        -- Going to a convention is fun!
           Terry Pratchett


He was trying to find some help in the ancient military journals of General
Tacticus, whose intelligent campaigning had been so successful that he'd
lent his very name to the detailed prosecution of martial endeavour, and
had actually found a section headed What to Do If One Army Occupies a
Well-fortified and Superior Ground and the Other Does Not, but since the
first sentence read "Endeavour to be the one inside" he'd rather lost
        -- (Terry Pratchett, Carpe Jugulum)

The vermine is a small black and white relative of the lemming, found in the cold Hublandish regions. Its skin is rare and highly valued, especially by the vermine itself; the selfish little bastard will do anything rather than let go of it.

--Terry Pratchett (Sourcery )

mbl.is Terry Pratchett meš Alzheimer
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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1 identicon

Sorglegt jį, Terry er įn efa einn fęrasti Rithöfundur samtķmans og veršur enn meira metinn eftir aš hugur hans er farinn. Nęsta skįl hjį mér veršur hugsuš til hans.

friddi (IP-tala skrįš) 13.12.2007 kl. 23:37

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